Selected Web & Identity Archive

Web, Identity

Archived web and identity projects.

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Nordic Athlete

Identity and modular environmental graphics system for a gym centered on outdoor, northern-climate activities. The environmental graphics system uses minimal lines and forms designed to be assembled into a variety of patterns that embody ski, kayak, and trail.

Lookout Mountain

Website design for, an omeka-based research-driven website and online collection of films, photographs, and documents related to the Lookout Mountain Laboratory, the United States Air Force’s Hollywood film studio.

Creative Problem Solving

While teaching at University of Minnesota, I was co-instructor for the first round of the Massive Open Online Course: Creative Problem Solving hosted on Coursera. This was a seven-week free class teaching creativity with a global community of students. In addition to teaching and creating lecture videos, I created a visual identity used within videos, lecture materials and social media. The series of assignments were entitled "Do Something Different" designed for getting students to generate ways to implement creativity into their daily lives and explore new solutions to problems within universal themes.


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